Pre-Marital Counseling

In-depth premarital counseling is essential for the success of any marriage and can significantly improve marital satisfaction.*

At Haven Christian Counseling, we recommend the nationally recognized Prepare/Enrich program for couples who are engaged or considering marriage. In the program, you and your partner will complete a customized assessment, examining everything from family background to attitudes about marriage and money. With the help of our trained Prepare/Enrich facilitators, you will explore the results of your assessment, cultivating a deeper understanding of one another and the unique strengths and weaknesses in your relationship as you prepare for marriage.

Premarital counseling is available for couples who prefer not to use the Prepare/Enrich assessment. Contact us today to learn more.

*Parhizgar, Ozra & Esmaelzadeh, Sara & Akbari Kamrani, Mahnaz & Rahimzadeh, Mitra & Tehranizadeh, Maryam. (2017). Effect of Premarital Counseling on Marital Satisfaction. Shiraz E-Medical Journal. In Press. 10.5812/semj.44693.